A brilliant symposium with lots of content-related input. Despite the challenging organisation, it was worth it to bring so many filmmakers together in one place to discuss the topics surrounding the TAG DER FILMSTOFFENTWICKLUNG !!! And I am proud to be part of the VeDRA board that made this conference possible.
VeDRA – Association for Film and Television DramaturgyVeDRA – Association for Film and Television Dramaturgy
With an audience of almost 430 people, the TAG DER FILMSTOFFENTWICKLUNG 2024 was a wonderful success with wonderful panellists, moderators, helping hands, the silent green team and the support of Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Filmförderungsanstalt FFA , TOBIS , Saxonia Media Filmproduktionsgesellschaft mbH, Red Pony Pictures, Bantry Bay Productions GmbH, Studio Hamburg Serienwerft, ndF: neue deutsche Filmgesellschaft mbH, studio.tv.film, Tivoli Film Produktion GmbH, Warner Bros. Entertainment, Network Movie , ICONOCLAST, NFP.
Photos: Marcel Schwickerat