Dear Partners, Colleagues and Friends,
We’d like to thank you for the fruitful collaborations this year and we’re looking forward to surprising you as we are launching new, fascinating projects in 2018.
Your BuchScout Team
Dear Partners, Colleagues and Friends,
We’d like to thank you for the fruitful collaborations this year and we’re looking forward to surprising you as we are launching new, fascinating projects in 2018.
Your BuchScout Team
Learn more about what does it mean to work with a script consultant and how this helps to improve the quality of your script:
Panel at the Antalya Film Festival on October 21st from 15:00 to 16:30
Speakers: Anne Gensior, Suzanne Pradel; Moderator: Eng Palabiyik
This is what EWA´s Multiple Revenue Stream Training for Future Films is about which will take place in Pisa, Italy, from June 29 to July 3.
The training is supported by Creative Europe-MEDIA.
14 participants from 9 different countries will come together to learn film financing. marketing, distribution, crowdfunding and audience building to improve the market potential for their projects.
EWA’s 2016 pedagogical core team is composed of top-notch experts in film marketing (Kobi Shely – Distrify Media), in crowdfunding (Hilla Medalia – Medalia Productions), rich media & mobile distribution (Mirona Nicola –, financing (Marco Dreysse, financing consultant), pitching (Agathe Berman – Legato Films), development (Tereza Simikova – Doc Incubator), brand marketing (Marina Marzotto – Propaganda Italia) and script-writing (Suzanne Pradel – BuchScout Agency Berlin).
The lucky participants whose projects include fiction, documentaries and cross media projects are:
Suzan Guverte, Turkey, Producer
Serena Gramizzi, Italy, Producer
Valeria Mazzucchi, Italy, Director
Izaskun Arandia, Spain, Director & Producer
Glynnis Ritter, Sweden, Producer & Outreach Manager
Merja Ritola, Finland, Producer
Irene de Lucas Ramon, Spain, Scriptwriter & Director
Vera Juliusdottir, Iceland, Director
Mariette Feltin, France, Director
Marina Kunarova, Kazakhstan, Scriptwriter & Director
Yessenyia Abenova, Kazakhstan, Director
Marina Lazarevska, Macedonia
Cristina Rajola, Italy, Producer
Maru Solores, Spain, Director & Screenwriter