Meeting creatives filmmakers at the Bosphorus Film Festival

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# Working a the Pichting Platform # Bosphorus Film Lab # Bosphorus Film Festival

Together with Giovanni Robbiano working with Turkish upcoming talents at the Pitching Platform during the Bosphorus Film Festival.


„Snow and The Bear“ by Selcen Ergun  (winner of the Pitching Platform) – „Anatolian Leopard“ by Orcun Köksal – „Not As You Know it“ by Vuslat Saraçoglu  – „Class Curtain“ by First Reihen – „The Cycle“ by Erkan Tahhusoglu – „Gülizar“ by Öktem Basol & Belkis Bayrak – „Treasure“ by Canberra Yerguz – „Let Who Has the Most Grudge Cast the First Stone“ by Stil Inanc –  „Final Hearing“ by Ümran After – „XLand“ by Kivilcim Okay, Tuncay Akgün