Spielfilm „DU BIST DRAN“ mit Lars Eidinger bis zum 29.02.20 in der ARD Mediathek

Together with Giovanni Robbiano working with Turkish upcoming talents at the Pitching Platform during the Bosphorus Film Festival.
„Snow and The Bear“ by Selcen Ergun (winner of the Pitching Platform) – „Anatolian Leopard“ by Orcun Köksal – „Not As You Know it“ by Vuslat Saraçoglu – „Class Curtain“ by First Reihen – „The Cycle“ by Erkan Tahhusoglu – „Gülizar“ by Öktem Basol & Belkis Bayrak – „Treasure“ by Canberra Yerguz – „Let Who Has the Most Grudge Cast the First Stone“ by Stil Inanc – „Final Hearing“ by Ümran After – „XLand“ by Kivilcim Okay, Tuncay Akgün
The 3rd scriptwriter residency programme of the EUROPEAN WOMEN´S AUDIOVISUAL NETWORK is a great initiative dedicated to supporting the next generation of screenwriting talents among EWA members. It helps them to enter the industry with the best script possible by working on the strategic positioning of their project . Its purpose is to give a selected woman scriptwriter or director the opportunity to be mentored by the script consultant Suzanne Pradel, to work with her before the Berlinale and to attend the EFM at the Berlinale to make connections.
The shortlisted female scriptwriters for the residency 2019 are:
Spanish scriptwriter/ director Fany De La Chica with her script her dramedy „Al ALBA“.
Kroatian scriptwriter/ director Ivona Juka with her script antiwar-drama „LAMBS IN WOLFSKIN“
Romanian scriptwriter/ director Cecilia Stefanescu with her script for her mystery drama „THE GREAT ADVENTURE“.
Suzanne Pradel is the script consultant attached to the programme. Suzanne is an international script consultant, lecturer and bookscout. For many years, she has been working as a script expert for European Film Funds. In 2009 she founded the BUCHSCOUT AGENCY which specializes in novel-to-film adaptations as well as international script consultancy, developing sophisticated TV features and cinematic features.
At the EAVE producers workshop the script consultant Suzanne Pradel will talk about how to challenge the way we shape women and men in our films and become an innovative creator of female and male characters.
Suzanne will question what impact do patriarchal thought patterns have on character development. As filmmakers, how do we influence the fictional presentation and perception of women and men? What are the new tools for shaping characters in a more balanced way? What does it mean to activate a more feminine gaze on the world no matter whether you are a man or a woman? How we can help give birth to new perspectives and create more sensitive and visionary characters?
Trough a keynote, a sensing journey and one-to-one sessions she will analyze the characters in the scripts and help to enrich them using new development approaches and tools.
Simona Nobile´s keynote will be about female archetypes and Alessia Sonaglioni will present the European Women´s network.
This special workshop is a cooperation between EAVE producers workshop and the European Women’s Audiovisual Network (ewa).
Suzanne Pradel is an international script consultant, lecturer, sales agent and bookscout. For many years, she has been working as a script expert for European Filmfunds, Sat1ProSieben and Degeto.
In 2009 she founded the BUCHSCOUT AGENCY which specializes in novel-tofilm adaptations as well as international script consultancy, developing sophisticated European TV features and cinematic features.
In 2018 she additionally founded the SERIENSCOUT AGENCY which specializes in the development of serial content. Suzanne is a member of the German Association of Script Consultancy (VeDRA) and is a member of the European Women´s Audiovisual Network (ewa).