What are the advantages and disadvantages of films based on books? What are the current trends?
Suzanne Pradel (BuchScout Agency Berlin ) @ German-French co-production meetings/ Rendez-vous franco-allemand
Photo: Robert Recker
What are the advantages and disadvantages of films based on books? What are the current trends?
Suzanne Pradel (BuchScout Agency Berlin ) @ German-French co-production meetings/ Rendez-vous franco-allemand
Photo: Robert Recker
A brilliant symposium with lots of content-related input. Despite the challenging organisation, it was worth it to bring so many filmmakers together in one place to discuss the topics surrounding the TAG DER FILMSTOFFENTWICKLUNG !!! And I am proud to be part of the VeDRA board that made this conference possible.
VeDRA – Association for Film and Television DramaturgyVeDRA – Association for Film and Television Dramaturgy
With an audience of almost 430 people, the TAG DER FILMSTOFFENTWICKLUNG 2024 was a wonderful success with wonderful panellists, moderators, helping hands, the silent green team and the support of Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Filmförderungsanstalt FFA , TOBIS , Saxonia Media Filmproduktionsgesellschaft mbH, Red Pony Pictures, Bantry Bay Productions GmbH, Studio Hamburg Serienwerft, ndF: neue deutsche Filmgesellschaft mbH, studio.tv.film, Tivoli Film Produktion GmbH, Warner Bros. Entertainment, Network Movie , ICONOCLAST, NFP.
Photos: Marcel Schwickerat
On October 10 and 11, the VeDRA Seminar & Masterclass: Comic Toolbox with John Vorhaus took place in Berlin, which I organized as part of my work as the person responsible for further training at VeDRA.
It was great fun to watch John Vorhaus in his creative and advertising work. He shared his knowledge with us generously and this with a lot of humor. The participants were enthusiastic and took many tips and tricks back to their writing rooms.
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