Oct 11 VeDRA: MASTERCLASS COMIC TOOLBOX with John Vorhaus in Berlin

Dear Colleagues,
There are only a few tickets left!!
Do not miss the VeDRA Masterclass The Comic Toolbox and learn more about comedic screenwriting with the American dramaturg and comedy coach John Vorhaus:
Cost: €28.- including taxes
Be smart and use the discounted train tickets under the following link, while stocks last.
We look forward to seeing you!
All the best,
Suzanne Pradel
VeDRA Member of the Management Board , the Association for Film and Television Dramaturgy in German-speaking countries

March 11-13: How do we get out of the box of patriarchal thinking in storytelling?

“This is a man´s and woman´s world”

At the EAVE producers workshop  the script consultant Suzanne Pradel will talk about how to challenge the way we shape women and men in our films and become an innovative creator of female and male characters.

Suzanne will question what impact do patriarchal thought patterns have on character development? As filmmakers, how do we influence the fictional presentation and perception of women and men? What are the new tools for shaping characters in a more balanced way? What does it mean to activate a more feminine gaze on the world no matter whether you are a man or a woman? How we can help give birth to new perspectives and create more sensitive and visionary characters?

Trough a keynote, a sensing journey and one-to-one sessions she will analyze the characters in the scripts and help to enrich them using new development approach and tools.

Simona Nobile´s keynote will be about female archetypes and Alessia Sonaglioni will present the European Women´s network.

This special workshop is a cooperation between EAVE producers workshop and the European Women’s Audiovisual Network (ewa).^

Suzanne Pradel is an international script consultant, lecturer, sales agent and bookscout. For many years, she has been working as a script expert for Eurimages MEDIA Programme, Sat1ProSieben and Degeto.
In 2009 she founded the BUCHSCOUT AGENCY which specializes in novel-tofilm adaptations as well as international script consultancy, developing sophisticated European TV features and cinematic features.
In 2018 she additionally founded the SERIENSCOUT AGENCY which specializes in the development of  serial content Suzanne  is a member of the German Association of Script Consultancy (VeDRA) and is a member of the European Women´s Audiovisual Network (ewa).

Oct 21st: Antalya Film Festival: “Working With A Script Consultant”


Learn more about what does it mean to work with a script consultant and how this helps to improve the quality of your script.

„Working with a Script Consultant“

Panel at the Antalya Film Festival on October 21st from 15:00 to 16:30


Speakers: Anne Gensior, Suzanne Pradel

Moderator: Eng Palabiyik




How to get the money for your future films?


This is what EWA´s Multiple Revenue Stream Training for Future Films is about which will take place in Pisa, Italy, from June 29 to July 3.

The training is supported by Creative Europe-MEDIA.

14 participants from 9 different countries will come together to learn film financing. marketing, distribution, crowdfunding and audience building to improve the market potential for their projects.

EWA’s 2016 pedagogical core team is composed of top-notch experts in film marketing (Kobi Shely – Distrify Media), in crowdfunding (Hilla Medalia – Medalia Productions), rich media & mobile distribution (Mirona Nicola – Gruvi.tv), financing (Marco Dreysse, financing consultant), pitching (Agathe Berman – Legato Films), development (Tereza Simikova – Doc Incubator), brand marketing (Marina Marzotto – Propaganda Italia) and script-writing (Suzanne Pradel – BuchScout Agency Berlin).

The lucky participants whose projects include fiction, documentaries and cross media projects are:

Suzan Guverte, Turkey, Producer
Serena Gramizzi, Italy, Producer
Valeria Mazzucchi, Italy, Director
Izaskun Arandia, Spain, Director & Producer
Glynnis Ritter, Sweden, Producer & Outreach Manager
Merja Ritola, Finland, Producer
Irene de Lucas Ramon, Spain, Scriptwriter & Director
Vera Juliusdottir, Iceland, Director
Mariette Feltin, France, Director
Marina Kunarova, Kazakhstan, Scriptwriter & Director
Yessenyia Abenova, Kazakhstan, Director
Marina Lazarevska, Macedonia
Cristina Rajola, Italy, Producer
Maru Solores, Spain, Director & Screenwriter

Oct 22nd, 2015: Join the „Adaptation“ seminar by Suzanne Pradel (BuchScout Agency) at SAE Alumni Convention 2015

„The book was different“, is one of the things you often hear when leaving the cinema. But Novels and Film are very different mediums. If so, why undertake a film adaptation instead of producing an original screenplay?

What are the benefits of an adaptation, and what are the pitfalls to be avoided? What are the steps in the process, from choosing the right Novel, the acquisition of rights and negotiation of contracts, to the completion of the film?

Suzanne Pradel is the founder of BuchScout Agency which is your expert for novel to film adaptations. As international script consultancy we work in the development of ambitious/ sophisticated feature films for the national and international markets.

SAE Institute, the world’s largest creative media school with a presence in over 50 countries is bringing back its iconic alumni convention to Berlin, Germany.