Nov 12th: GALLOPING MIND at FilmFestival Cottbus

MV5BMTUzNjA5NjU5M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTA3MDAyNjE@._V1_SY317_CR50214317_AL_-203x300The artistically interesting arthouse movie is an international coproduction directed by Wim Vandekeybus and produced by Bart Van Langendonck (Savage Film). Suzanne Pradel was the script consultant on this project.

Performance:  2016-11-12 | 22:00 Weltspiegel

Belgium, Hungary, The Netherlands, 2015, 120 Min
Sam and Sarah lead a comfortable and blissful life, despite Sarah’s wishes to have a child and Sam’s gnawing reluctance to become a father. Yet destiny has a wicked sense of humour; an encounter with the explosive Lula will topple their relationship forever in this harrowing debut drama from Wim Vandekeybus.