Dear Partners, Colleagues and Friends,
We’d like to thank you for the fruitful collaborations this year and we’re looking forward to surprising you as we are launching new, fascinating projects in 2018.
Your BuchScout Team
Dear Partners, Colleagues and Friends,
We’d like to thank you for the fruitful collaborations this year and we’re looking forward to surprising you as we are launching new, fascinating projects in 2018.
Your BuchScout Team
The high quality and diversity of the projects submitted for the EWA´S 2nd Female Scriptwiter´s Residency in Berlin made the decision-making process very challenging and inspiring, that´s why the jury of the European Women´s Audiovisual Network decided to give the project „It’s Bonny by the Sea“ by Rebecca Innes a special mention and a script consultancy session with the script consultant Suzanne Pradel.
Rebecca Innes
Whilst studying Media Production BA (Hons) at Northumbria University Rebecca also worked freelance within the Art Department on several short and feature films including the BAFTA-nominated ‘I Am Nasrine‘ and Gillian Wearing’s art documentary ‚Self Made‘. She then moved to London to work at the London Film Academy where she met Writer-Directors Syed Zul Tojo and Kevork Aslanyan and co-wrote feature films and pilots ‘Melaka‘ and ‘No White‘. Since then Rebecca and Syed have co-written ‘Hijabsta Ballet‘, Malaysia’s first research film, which was released theatrically in July 2017. Rebecca continues to co-write with Kevork and works on her own projects in the U.K. Rebecca is also an Associate Lecturer at Northumbria University, teaching screenwriting on the Animation BA (Hons) degree. BuchScout Agency is her agent.
„It’s Bonny By The Sea“ is a film about love, heartache and self-care. Polish care worker Irena arrives to the run-down coastal town of Newbiggin-by-the-Sea in Northumberland looking for breathing space from her failing marriage but instead she finds Alex, a caring and capable young man stunted by his small-town existence. Brought together through their mutual care for Alex’s nan Sally, a simple but wise old woman trapped by Alzheimer’s disease, the pair bring hope to one another and come to learn the value and purpose of pragmatic love.
„Testosterone Story – The Fragile Beauty of Masculinity“, written by Andrea Culkova, has been selected for the 2nd EWA’s scriptwriter residency programme in Berlin.
The female scriptwriter residency program of the European Women´s Audiovisual Network (EWA) is a great initiative dedicated to supporting the next generation of screenwriting talents, and helping them enter the industry by working the strategic positioning of the project with the best script possible. Its purpose is offering to one selected woman scriptwriter or director the possibility to be mentored by the script consultant Suzanne Pradel to work with her before and after Berlinale and to have the opportunity to attend the EFM at the Berlinale 2018 to make connections.
Andrea Culkova is a film director, creative artist, pedagogue and mother of three. She received a degree in art education from Prague’s Charles University and later in documentary direction from the Film Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU). Her feature film „Sugar Blues“ had its international premiere at CPH:DOX in 2014 and was screened at numerous festivals and sold worldwide. The meta-art project H*Art On was made in cooperation with the National Gallery in Prague and the Dok.Incubator Workshop 2015, and premiered at Dok Leipzig 2016 – Next Masters competition. Alongside „The Brainwashing Experiment“ it was included in the 2016 Camp4science program. Andrea Culkova’s background in fine arts is evident in the original style she brings to her audiovisual work and the unique interpretation she finds in each of her projects.
Synopsis: In the heart of Europe there’s a swimming pool where the water is almost completely still and the surface is just barely disturbed by the clumsy limbs of those who have been kissed by death. Testosterone’s fanatic riders have been brought here, the Kladruby Sanatorium, from all over the world to attempt the practically impossible – a return to life. To do this they must reconsider all their previous goals and accept the fact that the world will never be the same as before death’s kiss, but that even this is a triumph. Yet not everyone is able to understand this and not everyone will make it during their five-month stay in the sanatorium. After all, it’s the past with all its debts, mortgages, and unresolved relationships that mercilessly catches up with them here. Indeed, nothing tests a relationship more than the serious injury of a partner. And what about Adam and his wife, the rehabilitation nurse Štěpánka? How do they fit into all of this?
Frauengeschichtsschreibung am Beispiel von Gerda Lerner. Ihre Relevanz und Aktualität für den historisch-politischen Unterricht von heute
Termin: 30.11.2017, 13:30–16:30 Uhr
Ort: Hertha Firnberg Schulen für Wirtschaft und Tourismus, Firnbergplatz 1, 1220 Wien
Veranstalter: Demokratiezentrum Wien, Hertha Firnberg Schulen für Wirtschaft und Tourismus. In Kooperation mit dem Bundesministerium für Bildung
Gerda Lerner (1920–2013) war eine der Pionierinnen der Frauen- und Geschlechter-geschichte. Sie trug wesentlich zur Etablierung dieser Disziplin bei, die heute an internationalen Universitäten fest verankert ist. Frauen- und Geschlechter-geschichte ist einerseits Querschnittsmaterie, andererseits besonders für den historisch-politischen Unterricht relevant. Die Veranstaltung will Möglichkeiten aufzeigen, um den biografischen Zugang zur Thematik am Beispiel Gerda Lerners in den Unterricht zu integrieren, und LehrerInnen und MultiplikatorInnen Anregungen und konkrete Beispiele für die Praxis bieten.
Begrüßung und Einleitung
· Maria Ettl, Direktorin der Hertha Firnberg Schulen für Wirtschaft und Tourismus
· Roswitha Tschenett, Leiterin der Abteilung Gender Mainstreaming, Gleichstellung und Schule des Bundesministeriums für Bildung
· Gertraud Diendorfer, Leiterin des Demokratiezentrum Wien
Impulsstatement von Renata Keller (Berlin), Regisseurin des Films „Warum Frauen Berge besteigen sollten. Eine Reise durch das Leben und Werk von Dr. Gerda Lerner“
Filmvorführung: Ausschnitte aus „Warum Frauen Berge besteigen sollten“
Podiumsdiskussion mit:
· Rosa Costa (Historikerin)
· Gertraud Diendorfer (Leiterin des Demokratiezentrum Wien)
· Silvia Kronberger (PH Salzburg Stefan Zweig / BZGPF)
· Renata Keller (Regisseurin)
· Selma Köhler (Schulsprecherin der Hertha Firnberg Schulen)
Moderation: Irini Tzaferis (Professorin für Deutsch und Geschichte)
Im Anschluss laden die Hertha Firnberg Schulen zu einem Buffet
Der Dokumentarfilm „Warum Frauen Berge besteigen sollten“ wurde von der BuchScout Agentur dramaturgisch betreut.
The 2nd European Women´s Audiovisual Network (EWA) scriptwriter residency programme is a great initiative dedicated to supporting the next generation of screenwriting talents among EWA members, and helping them enter the industry by working the strategic positioning of the project with the best script possible. Its purpose is offering to one selected woman scriptwriter or director the possibility to be mentored by a script consultant, to work with her before Berlinale and to have the opportunity to attend the EFM at the Berlinale 2018 to make connections.
A commitee of three industry experts will select the best project among those received.
The Offer: travel costs from and to Berlin. accommodation in a private room + access to a kitchen in Berlin starting from 22 January 2018 – and ending 22 February 2018, including four working sessions with a well-known script consultant (3 in Berlin + 1 Skype session after the Berlinale) and accreditation for the Berlinale.
Suzanne Pradel is the script consultant attached to the programme.
Suzanne is an international script consultant, lecturer and bookscout. For many years, she has been working as a script expert for Eurimages and MEDIA Programme. In 2009 she founded the BUCHSCOUT AGENCY which specializes in novel-to-film adaptations as well as international script consultancy, developing sophisticated TV features and cinematic features
Find more detailed information here:
Screenwriter and producer, Murielle Thierrin studied management and finance in Paris, then scriptwriting at the University of California (UCLA).Back in France, she created her own production company, ALDABRA Films. As the call for applications for the second edition of EWA’s scriptwriter’s residency in Berlin is about to be launched, Murielle Thierrin looks back on her residency experience with script consultant Suzanne Pradel.
What was your motivation to apply to EWA’s scriptwriter’s residency ?
Our script was blocked, we had come to a stage where we didn’t want to accept the commentaries from sales agent, distributors or financiers on the origin and ethnicity of our characters. For them our movie didn’t fit the commercial market because of ethnicity reasons. EWA was an opportunity to get a feed back from people with other perspectives.
How did you expect it to help the development of your project ?
In a certain way, I was expecting a new vision with more kindness and goodwill in order to help us to get out of this situation. EWA treated the subject with thoughtfulness, as they are more sensitive to discrimination and gender subjects.
Describe your first week in Berlin. Did things go as you had planned ?
For the script, YES ! Even better than I had expected… but not for me ! (laugh) It was in February and the weather was so cold ! But in a certain way it was so productive, because you don’t want to go outside. It has been a studious atmosphere for a re-writing process. Also, February was a perfect time in the industry schedule, allowing us to attend the Berlinale and to meet a lot of professionals and have the opportunity to make good connections.
What has Suzanne Pradel’s expertise brought to your project ?
The story, the script, was already built, so it’s not easy to get back inside the writing process. Like a surgeon, Suzanne came in our story, operating with skills to help us, by giving clear suggestions while respecting our own identity and sensibility. Amongst all her advice, she made two majors suggestions:The first one was the small details you don’t really pay attention to, but that make the whole difference. Your idea is good, but Suzanne just brings your script to a higher level with those details, making it more mature and successful.The second one was giving us the most valuable thing, the assurance and self reliance necessary to stand up and fight for our idea what ever the colour of skin, the ethnicity or gender of our characters.
The 2018 edition of the EWA Network Berlin Scriptwriter Residency has just been launched. Don’t miss the deadline.
The 2nd EWA scriptwriter residency programme is a great initiative dedicated to supporting the next generation of screenwriting talents among EWA members, and helping them enter the industry by working the strategic positioning of the project with the best script possible. Its purpose is offering to one selected woman scriptwriter or director the possibility to be mentored by a script consultant, to work with her before Berlinale and to have the opportunity to attend the EFM at the Berlinale 2018 to make connections.
Find more information here:
The 2nd European Women´s Audiovisual Network (EWA) scriptwriter residency programme is a great initiative dedicated to supporting the next generation of screenwriting talents among EWA members, and helping them enter the industry by working the strategic positioning of the project with the best script possible. Its purpose is offering to one selected woman scriptwriter or director the possibility to be mentored by a script consultant, to work with her before Berlinale and to have the opportunity to attend the EFM at the Berlinale 2018 to make connections.
A commitee of three industry experts will select the best project among those received.
The Offer: travel costs from and to Berlin. accommodation in a private room + access to a kitchen in Berlin starting from 22 January 2018 – and ending 22 February 2018, including four working sessions with a well-known script consultant (3 in Berlin + 1 Skype session after the Berlinale) and accreditation for the Berlinale.
Suzanne Pradel is the script consultant attached to the programme.
Suzanne is an international script consultant, lecturer and bookscout. For many years, she has been working as a script expert for Eurimages and MEDIA Programme. In 2009 she founded the BUCHSCOUT AGENCY which specializes in novel-to-film adaptations as well as international script consultancy, developing sophisticated TV features and cinematic features
Find more detailed information here:
Which concrete measures are most effective to dismantle the glass-ceiling and to advance gender equality?
On May 10, 2017, an interesting line-up of panelists presented at the Hertie School of Governance collected data on gender equality and explained which measures have been already put into practice on an European level and which still need to be realized .
For the European audiovisual sector, the European Women’s Audiovisual Network´s (EWA) recommendations for a number of actions that would allow to fill the gap between women and men were presented by Suzanne Pradel:
Eva Fehringer is Deputy Head of Unit of the International and European Labour Law and Social Policy Department at the Austrian Federal Ministry for Social Affairs. She also chairs the Gender Equality Commission at the Council of Europe.
Lisa Jordan is a senior philanthropic executive with a twenty-year career focused on social justice, impact, and systemic change. She currently serves the Porticus Foundation as Senior Director for Strategy and Learning overseeing the development of programme and impact.
Suzanne Pradel is an international script consultant, creative content producer, lecturer for script development, and bookscout. In 2009, she founded the BuchScout Agency which develops sophisticated TV and cinematic features. She is a member of the European Women’s Audiovisual Network.
Els van der Plas is General Director of the Dutch National Opera & Ballet. In 1988, she founded the Gate Foundation to encourage intercultural exchange in the field of modern and contemporary visual art. She is currently a member of the Supervisory Board of Writers Unlimited in the Hague.
Charles Landry is an authority on the use of imagination and creativity in urban change. His concept of the Creative City focusses on how cities can create the enabling conditions for people to think and act with imagination to solve problems and develop opportunities.
Dass Kinoproduktio- nen oder TV-Serien eine Region attraktiv machen, zeigt unser Nachbarland Dänemark. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern hat besonders mit vier Krimireihen und Spitzenwerten im Reg
ionalmagazin Erfolg. Das Panel will herausfinden, welche weiteren Themen im öffentlich-rechtlichen Programm besondere Beachtung finden. Nutzt der touristische Erfolg des Landes in der interna- tion
alen Medienwelt? Welche Hürden gibt es, um Literatur und historische Persönlichkeiten aus MV auf den Film- und TV- Markt zu bringen?
– Elke Haferburg – Direktorin des NDR Funkhauses MV
– Sylvia Bleßmann – Leiterin ZDF-Landesstudio in MV
– Dr. Susanne Eichner – University Aarhus, Department of Aesthetics & Communication , DK
– Suzanne Pradel – Agentur für filmische Adaption und Script Consulting
– Bettina Offermann – Leitung Weltvertrieb LOOKS International
Dr. Skadi Loist – Institut für Medienforschung, Universität Rostock
Rethinking the role of women in cultural and media professions: A European comparison
Despite mainstreaming efforts by the European Union and the Council of Europe, gender inequality persists for women in all areas of the economy. In the culture and media sector, the pay and pension gaps are even worse than in other fields. There is also a significant under-representation of women among the leading positions, in boardrooms, and as recipients of awards. While there is widespread consensus that raising awareness does help to dismantle the glass ceiling, which concrete measures are most effective? What can we learn from our European neighbours? The results of this discussion will contribute to a research project currently being conducted at the Hertie School’s Centre for Cultural Policy. [more]
Helmut K. Anheier is President of the Hertie School of Governance and Professor of Sociology. He is the Director of the Hertie School’s Centre for Cultural Policy and Head of the research project Women in culture and media.
Eva Fehringer is Deputy Head of Unit of the International and European Labour Law and Social Policy Department at the Austrian Federal Ministry for Social Affairs. She also chairs the Gender Equality Commission at the Council of Europe.
Lisa Jordan is a senior philanthropic executive with a twenty-year career focused on social justice, impact, and systemic change. She currently serves the Porticus Foundation as Senior Director for Strategy and Learning overseeing the development of programme and impact.
Suzanne Pradel is an international script consultant, creative content producer, lecturer for script development, and bookscout. In 2009, she founded the BuchScout Agency which develops sophisticatedTV and cinematic features. She is a member of the European Women’s Audiovisual Network.
Els van der Plas is General Director of the Dutch National Opera & Ballet. In 1988, she founded the Gate Foundation to encourage intercultural exchange in the field of modern and contemporary visual art. She is currently a member of the Supervisory Board of Writers Unlimited in the Hague.
Charles Landry is an authority on the use of imagination and creativity in urban change. His concept of the Creative City focusses on how cities can create the enabling conditions for people to think and act with imagination to solve problems and develop opportunities.
In partnership with the Commission for Culture and Media in the Federal Chancellery.
For more information on the event and speakers, please visit our website or contact our events team. If you wish to attend, please register online.